Cari Resep Masakan

Friday, October 11, 2013

2:33 AM

Stuffed pancake roll 

Ingredients ( Pancake ):
2 eggs
250 gram all purpose flour
500 ml coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt
Pandan paste
Oil for greasing

Ingredients ( Filling ):
250 gram shredded coconut
150 gram brow sugar, minced / thinly sliced
2 pandan leaves ( optional )
100 ml water

How to make it :
Pancake : Put flour into large bowl, add eggs and salt. Mixed it and pour coconut milk little by little until coconut milk finish. Stir until batter is liquid and soft. Add pandan paste, stir well.
Turn on the heat, prepared non sticky pan, grease with oil. Pouring +/- 2 tbsp batter. Make a thin pancake.
Remove and set a side.

Filling : Put all filling ingredients into a pot / pan. Cook over low heat. Stir once a while until all mixed together and sticky. Turn off the heat when it thickens.

Grab a piece of pancake, put 1 tbsp of filling and  folding like envelope then roll it. Ready to eat.


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